Saturday, May 11, 2019

To every mother out there, to thee I bow.

A transnational sentiment, a wordless language,
An ethos free of creeds and cultures, an emotion defying barrier of age.
Motherhood - a saga of unconditional love and unwavering commitment,
Indescribable, indispensable, unequivocal, yet an understated embodiment.

A feeling that a woman nurtures within her body and soul,
In sweet anticipation of a cherubic face, tiny hands and toes.
Also, in store are sleepless nights and tiresome days,
Yet she brushes away every twinge of pain with a benign grace.

Yet, in return for her winsome smile and months of labors,
It’s not just appreciation or acknowledgement that she gathers;
As she steps out into the world to claim her own self, her lost glory and flairs,
Finds herself surrounded by a plethora of questions, raised eyebrows, and scornful glares.

A neighbor who felt she neglected her offspring, to find her feet back in the Sun,
Her relative who judged her choice to not breastfeed, and labelled her as an uncaring mum, 
The colleague who passed a snide remark on her post-partum weight gain,
Weren’t they the ones who posted selfies with their Moms on Mothers’ Day?

Sadly, the story never ends, for not spared are even the SAHMs,
How overprotective are you, let your child fall and learn to tramp;
Is that how you plan to raise an obstinate child by being around all day,
Leave the kid and home behind, use your skills to find your way.

So that’s how we venerate a Mother, 364 days of the calendar,
Judging, shaming, blaming, labeling her all through the year,
Cakes and flowers, gifts and galore is not what she desires,
A little warmth, respect and thought is what she deserves.

Remember, its not just the nine months of pain and anxiety that she endures
It is a lifetime of queries, remarks, taunts and taints which she encounters.
Let us resolve to make every day special for every mother,
For whoever it be, a daughter-in-law or a daughter,
A friend, a housemaid, a teacher or a colleague,
Each child has the best mother, and every mother has it all.

Happy Mothers’ Day

* SAHM - Stay-at-home Mom


  1. Without moms we can't imagine life even after becoming one!! A mom to a mom..))

    1. Thanks so much Payal. Yes the realisation dawns only after we welcome our life into this world.

  2. Beautifully written Preeti. Every word you say is true in today's hypocritical society. Keep writing

    1. Thanks so much. Yes it's sad yet it is the truth..Hope time makes us more sensible humans ..

  3. Yes... just like my Mom! Thanks for expanding SAHM :)
